Designing a career you don’t want to escape from

In this conversation with Emmy we share how you can design a career and life that you don’t want to escape from.

We unpack courage, life design, flexibility and lots more things that impact your work and relationship with yourself. We also share plenty of examples of when things totally broke down and we knew we needed to change things and redesign our work. Because how we work is just as important as what we do.

Some of the things we cover:
➡ What is life and career design?
➡ Signals that your current work (and life) are not sustainable
➡ How to move the dial when you’re feeling unbalanced or unhappy
➡ Spotting toxic work situations and how to get out of them

Tune into the episode on sustainability


Rejection..coping with hurt and getting a No


Resilience.. and the importance of feelings at and about work